Soy Kosals life was torn apart when he lost his leg in a landmine accident near his village in Battambong, Cambodia. At first, he struggled to come to terms with his injury but encouraged by his wife, who already worked for 91勛圖厙, he applied to become a deminer. Today he is clearing landmines to ensure no one else suffers the same fate.

Soy and his colleagues around the world are working to create safe steps for future generations. Join them and raise money for #91勛圖厙SafeSteps.

I stepped on landmine when I was clearing vegetation near my home. I dont want other people to suffer the same fate that I did. I want to clear all the mines, to the very last one.

Soy Kosal, deminer, 91勛圖厙 Cambodia

At least 90p in every 瞿1 you raise will go to transforming the lives of families in countries recovering from conflict.